Browsing Teadusartiklid/Scientific articles by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 120
A survey among Estonian residents one month after the Russian invasion of Ukraine: resilience is key
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2024)The aim of our study was to investigate the relationship between resilience and symptoms of depression and anxiety, perceived stress, and post-traumatic stress in Estonia one month after the start of the war in Ukraine. ... -
Afganistani kriis: võõras mure või võimalus õppida laiapindset riigikaitset?
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2022)Artikkel on koostatud Sisekaitseakadeemias 11.02.2021 toimunud veebikonverentsi „Afganistani kriis: võõras mure või terendav sisejulgeolekuoht Eestile?” ettekannete ja arutelude põhjal, mida on sügavamalt avatud riigikaitse ... -
Akadeemilise töötaja arusaam õppe- ja teadustöö seostest, teadustöö väljakutsetest ning toetamise võimalustest Sisekaitseakadeemia õppejõu kogemuse näitel
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2023)Artikkel on kvalitatiivne uurimus, mis annab ülevaate, milline on õppejõu arusaam teadustööst, õppe- ja teadustöö seostest, väljakutsetest ja võimalikest toetamismeetmetest. Uuringus osalesid Sisekaitseakadeemia ... -
Alaealiste erikohtlemise võimalused ja kitsaskohad (Politsei- ja Piirivalveameti näitel)
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2023)Artiklis käsitletakse lapsõigusrikkujate erikohtlemist politseis 2018. aastal toimunud muudatuste järel. Nimelt tuleb õigusvastase teo toime pannud alaealiste suhtes esimese võimalusena alati kaaluda nende mittekaristuslikku ... -
Avaliku sektori kriisiotsustamist mõjutavad tegurid koroonakriisi algfaasis Saaremaa valla ja Tallinna linna kriisiüksuste näitel
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2022)Artikli eesmärk on kirjeldada 2020. aastal koroonaviiruse puhkemisel kohalike omavalitsuste kriisiüksustes (edaspidi kriisiüksused) otsustamist mõjutanud tegureid ja nende väljendusvorme. Valimisse kaasati Tallinna linna ... -
Balti riikide raamatukogutöötajate infoturbeteadlikkus: võrdlev analüüs
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2023)Üks väga oluline osa meie ühises turvalisuses on inforuum. Teame, et raamatukogu on traditsiooniliselt koht, kuhu info kogutakse ja kust omakorda jõuab info elanikkonnani. Aastate jooksul on raamatukogu roll ühiskonnas ... -
Baltic States and the ZAPAD 2017 exercise in the Western media: implications for small state strategic communication
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2019)Every now and then, somewhere in the world events take place that are regarded as having International news value. Nowadays, it is easy to become a mediated observer and to have an opinion about something that happens on ... -
Beyond firearms: the European illegal arms market through a criminological lens
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2024)Each year, approximately 600–700 homicides are committed with firearms in the EU. Despite this, the subject of the illicit arms market in Europe has only recently become the focus of in-depth criminological study. ... -
Changes in Police Cadets’ Physical Activity and Strength Abilities During COVID-19 Restrictions
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2021)The COVID-19 situation changed police cadets’ training process and prohibited their access to gyms during virus restrictions. The Estonian Academy of Security Services (EASS) 161 police cadets’ strength tests results ... -
Chinese geo-economics and strategic interests in the broader Mediterranean region
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2022)The Maritime Silk Road as part of China´s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) aims to entail the construction of large industrial infrastructure. Particularly port locations abroad are chosen as part of China’s wider strategic ... -
Clarifying (wicked) safety problems with a network analysis tool
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2019)In safety issues, the police often deal with a normative side of knowledge. They describe an appropriate way of behaviour. However, many studies analysing safety problems emphasize the importance of contextual behaviour. This ... -
Competing strategic narratives and their reflections in practice: Russo-Estonian relations following the annexation of the Crimea
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2020)The current article analyses the prospects of improvement in terms of economic and political relations between Estonia and Russia against the inert background of reciprocal strategic narratives. Estonia’s current strategic ... -
Context-dependent processes for planning and designing large-scale security operations
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2024)This article suggests that contemporary security threats require law enforcement and internal security organisations to possess a systemic toolbox of methodologically different planning and design methods. These ... -
Corruption as the hybrid threat in a changing security environment
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2023)The purpose of this article is to analyse how the significance of corruption has evolved within today’s rapidly developing security environment, as corruption has increasingly transformed from a traditional type of crime ... -
Cybersecurity education in Estonia: building competences for internal security personnel
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2019)Currently there is no formal cybersecurity education for internal security first-responders in Estonia. The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences (EASS) does not provide this education at basic (all students) and advanced ... -
Dechefr kui ohu hindamise tööriist kirjaliku kommunikatsiooni põhjal
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2023)Ülevaateartikkel tutvustab Uppsala ülikoolis välja töötatud tööriista Dechefr, mis võimaldab hinnata kirjaliku teksti järgi, kas teksti autor võib kujutada vägivallaohtu. Tööriist annab automatiseeritud ohuhinnangu, tuginedes ... -
Developing the situational awareness of incident commanders: evaluating a training programme using a virtual simulation
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2020)Life, property, and the effectiveness of efforts involved in saving the environment depend upon the situational awareness of incident commanders. However, so far, the impact of situational awareness training for working ... -
Development and prevention of juvenile fire-related risk behaviour in the social learning process
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2019)Playing with fire is the most common cause of fire death among children. Although many previous studies have focused on socio-demographic predictors of childhood fire deaths and pathological fire-setting behaviour, less ... -
Digital nomads and emerging cyber threats
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2024)This article adopts the concept of hybrid warfare from theoretical mili tary strategy to address a contemporary form of intercountry migration – digital nomadism – from a cybersecurity perspective. The article aims to ... -
Eakad kinnipeetavad Eesti vanglates
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2024)Artikkel koosneb teaduspõhise kirjanduse ülevaatest, millele tuginedes korraldati ekspertintervjuud. Eesmärk oli uurida, kas Eestis on probleeme vananevate vangidega, eriti nende osakaalu suurenemisega, ning uurida mujal ...