Browsing by Title
Now showing items 176-195 of 2654
Changes in Police Cadets’ Physical Activity and Strength Abilities During COVID-19 Restrictions
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2021)The COVID-19 situation changed police cadets’ training process and prohibited their access to gyms during virus restrictions. The Estonian Academy of Security Services (EASS) 161 police cadets’ strength tests results ... -
Children in Migration
(European Migration Network, 2020)EMN studies have focussed in the past on unaccompanied minor applicants for international protection, whereas the Commission’s Communication that underpins this questionnaire uses the term ‘child’ which covers all ... -
Chinese geo-economics and strategic interests in the broader Mediterranean region
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2022)The Maritime Silk Road as part of China´s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) aims to entail the construction of large industrial infrastructure. Particularly port locations abroad are chosen as part of China’s wider strategic ... -
CITES kaupade ekspertiisiks määramise probleemid
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2008)Töö eesmärgiks on: 1) Uurida, kas Eesti tollil on õiguslik alus muuta praegu kehtivat CITES liikide määramise süsteemi. 2) Teha kindlaks praeguse CITES liikide määramise süsteemi otstarbekus (arvestatdes kulu- ning ... -
Clarifying (wicked) safety problems with a network analysis tool
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2019)In safety issues, the police often deal with a normative side of knowledge. They describe an appropriate way of behaviour. However, many studies analysing safety problems emphasize the importance of contextual behaviour. This ... -
CNG sõiduauto avarii
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2020)Esimene XVR OS fail loodi XVR OS 2017 versioonis Kristjan Ehastu lõputöö raames, selleks, et saada tagasisidet lõputöö autori koostatud standardtegevusjuhiste arusaadavusele ja rakendatavusele. Stsenaarium on uuendatud XVR ... -
CNG sõiduauto tulekahju
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2020)Esimene XVR OS fail loodi XVR OS 2017 versioonis Kristjan Ehastu lõputöö raames, selleks, et saada tagasisidet lõputöö autori koostatud standardtegevusjuhiste arusaadavusele ja rakendatavusele. Stsenaarium on uuendatud XVR ... -
Comparative overview of national protection statues in the EU and Norway : EMN Synthesis Report for the EMN Study 2019
(European Migration Network, 2020)This Synthesis Report presents the main findings of the European Migration Network (EMN) study ‘Comparative overview of national protection statuses in the European Union (EU) and Norway’. The study explores the key ... -
Comparative overview of national protection statuses in the EU and Norway
(European Migration Network, 2019)This EMN study aims to provide a handbook guide to statuses granted in the Member States and Norway, which address a protection need, other than international protection as harmonised by the Qualification3 and Temporary ... -
Comparison of security policy documents of the Baltic states
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2020)This overview outlines, by category, the national security policies and risk mitigation measures in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. To this end, the strategic documents of the security policy of the three Baltic States have ... -
Competing strategic narratives and their reflections in practice: Russo-Estonian relations following the annexation of the Crimea
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2020)The current article analyses the prospects of improvement in terms of economic and political relations between Estonia and Russia against the inert background of reciprocal strategic narratives. Estonia’s current strategic ... -
Compliant, but improvement necessary? : A regional case study on the contribution of EU quality control mechanisms to European Integrated Border Management
(Frontex, 2017)This research reflects that the Schengen evaluations of the EU’s frontline Member States have been significant contributors to verifying and addressing shortcomings in external border management. However, further improvements ... -
Context-dependent processes for planning and designing large-scale security operations
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2024)This article suggests that contemporary security threats require law enforcement and internal security organisations to possess a systemic toolbox of methodologically different planning and design methods. These ... -
Corruption as the hybrid threat in a changing security environment
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2023)The purpose of this article is to analyse how the significance of corruption has evolved within today’s rapidly developing security environment, as corruption has increasingly transformed from a traditional type of crime ... -
Counter-terrorism Measures and Activities: Readiness for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Attacks
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2019)The aim of this thesis is to assess the readiness level for CBRN threats. A case study was used as a research strategy to achieve the aim set in the master’s thesis. The thesis revealed that the level of preparedness ... -
COVID – 19 pandeemia tõttu riikide poolt rakendatud majanduslike meetmete mõju
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2021)Töö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada erinevate riikide poolt rakendatud fiskaalsed meetmed COVID-19 kriisi ajal ning nende mõju riigi majanduse stabiliseerumisele. Lõputöö eesmärgi saavutamiseks on püstitatud järgmised ... -
Covid-19 ajal levitatavad vandenõuteooriad ning nende roll inimeste võimalikus radikaliseerumises Eestis ja mujal maailmas
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2022)Uuringu eesmärk on anda ülevaade, kuidas globaliseeruva maailma lahutamatu osana on Eestis COVID-19 pandeemia tõttu tõusnud (mitte)vägivaldse radikaliseerumise tase. Uuringu fookuses on COVID-19 pandeemia ajal maailmas ... -
COVID-19 mõju alkoholi tarbimisele ja alkoholiaktsiisi laekumisele Eestis
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2022)Lõputöö eesmärgiks on selgitada välja alkoholi tarbimise ja alkoholiaktsiisi laekumise seosed COVID-19 pandeemiaga Eestis. -
COVID-19 mõju Eesti Tolliagentuuridele
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2021)Lõputöö eesmärk on välja selgitada COVID-19 mõju Eesti tolliagentuuride kogu majandustegevuse- ning töökorraldusele ning esitada ettepanekuid, kuidas pandeemiast tuleneva probleemse olukorraga hakkama saada. Lõputöö ... -
COVID-19 mõju Päästeameti töötajate hädaolukorraks valmisolekule
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2021)Lõputöö eesmärgiks on selgitada välja Päästeameti teenistujate hädaolukorraks valmisoleku hetkeseis ning analüüsida, kuidas on muutunud päästeteenistujate hädaolukorraks valmisolek COVID-19 pandeemia taustal võrreldes 2018. ...