1.-2. nimetus 2-st

    • Development and prevention of juvenile fire-related risk behaviour in the social learning process 

      Klaos, Margo; Eensoo, Diva; Luht-Kallas, Kadi; Piksööt, Jaanika (Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2019)
      Playing with fire is the most common cause of fire death among children. Although many previous studies have focused on socio-demographic predictors of childhood fire deaths and pathological fire-setting behaviour, less ...
    • Ehitise riskihindamise metoodika 

      Luht-Kallas, Kadi; Valge, Alar; Käerdi, Helmo; Angelstok, Feliks; Reitel, Kärt (Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2021)
      Päästeameti ohutusjärelevalve büroo kontrollib igal aastal 6700 ehitist. Seni tugines ohuprognoos metoodikale, mis põhines objekti kasutamise otstarbel. 2020. aastal tellis Päästeamet Sisekaitseakadeemialt ehitise ...