1.-2. nimetus 2-st

    • Ehitise riskihindamise metoodika 

      Luht-Kallas, Kadi; Valge, Alar; Käerdi, Helmo; Angelstok, Feliks; Reitel, Kärt (Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2021)
      Päästeameti ohutusjärelevalve büroo kontrollib igal aastal 6700 ehitist. Seni tugines ohuprognoos metoodikale, mis põhines objekti kasutamise otstarbel. 2020. aastal tellis Päästeamet Sisekaitseakadeemialt ehitise ...
    • Risks of corruption in the healthcare and pharmaceutical sector and the impact of a pandemic 

      Ombler, Mati (Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2021)
      Numerous efforts have been made in recent decades to reduce corruption in the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors around the world, and despite the resources invested in the fight against corruption, humanity cannot be ...