1.-3. nimetus 3-st

    • EU civilian training area „Hybrid threats and cyber “ training requirements analysis 

      Lindsaar, Inge; Puusalu, Jaanika (Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2020)
      This Training Requirement Analysis (TRA) follows the guidelines and requirements of EUCTG Strategic Guidance on CSDP Civilian Training,1 to provide an analysis of the EU Civilian Training area “Hybrid threats and cyber”. ...
    • Impact of events in Belarus on the safety and security of the Baltic States 

      Tundmatu autor (Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2022)
      At the time of publication of the report, the situation in the Baltic region was exacerbated by the decision of the Russian Federation to bring tens of thousands of soldiers close to the Ukrainian border. The subject is ...
    • The Future of Cybercrime in Light of Technology Developments 

      Bellasio, Jacopo; Silfversten, Erik; Leverett, Eireann; Knack, Anna; Quimbre, Fiona; Blondes, Emma Louise; Favaro, Marina; Persi Paoli, Giacomo (Siseministeerium, 2020)
      Cybersecurity incidents, either intentional or accidental, can severely disrupt essential services as well as economic and societal activities. One significant and growing threat to digital systems and to the secure ...