EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum Estonia 2021
The EMN Annual Report on Migration (ARM) consists of two parts and a statistical annex.
Part I and the statistical annex are intended to inform policymakers within the European Commission about national developments. The current document - Part II - however, is aimed at a wider audience interested in an overview of the asylum and immigration situation in Estonia. This report is structured to provide an overview of migration and asylum in Estonia in ten
key areas: legal migration, international protection, unaccompanied minors and other vulnerable groups, integration, inclusion and citizenship, borders, visa and Schengen, irregular migration, trafficking in human beings, return and readmission, and migration and development cooperation. The report covers the period from 1 January to 31 December 2021. However, in some instances,
it will also refer to some developments that are planned to come into force in 2022. This is the sixteenth annual report by the Estonian National Contact Point.