Kas hoolealuste vaimne tervis on sisekaitse mure?

Vaata/ Ava
Allik, Angela
Mets, Grethel
Anger, Liisu
Näita täielikku nimetuse kirjetKokkuvõte
Artikli eesmärk on avada vaimse tervise väljakutse olulisust kinnipidamisasutustes ning arutleda, millised võimalused on praegu saadaval teenuse parema kättesaadavuse ja kvaliteedi tagamiseks. Vaimse tervise tugi kinnipidamisasutustes peab tegelema sarnaste takistustega nagu vaimse tervise toe teenused väljaspool vanglat. Olenemata sarnastest väljakutsetest, mis on tingitud väljaõppinud spetsialistide vähesusest või vaimse tervise probleemide arvu pidevast suurenemisest, on võimalik leida täiendavaid arendusvõimalusi nii teenuste ümberkorraldamise, parema sihitamise või juba olemasoleva ressursi parema kasutamisega. Vanglateenistus on juba ellu viinud ja viimas arendusi vaimse tervise kättesaadavuse, ressursside parema kasutamise kui ka eri valdkondade parema koostöö toetamiseks. Samuti on teemasid, millele tänaste teadmiste järgi on võimalik kas rohkem või sihitumalt panustada.
The purpose is to open up the significance of the mental health challenge in detention facilities and to discuss what opportunities there are today for better access and a quality. Mental health support facilities must address all the same barriers such as health support services outside of prison. Regardless of the possible obstacles that can be found related to the scarcity of the trained professionals or constant increase of the mental health problems, the development opportunities may lay in both restructuring and better targeting or better use of already existing resources. The prison service has already implemented and is implementing developments to support access to mental health, better use of resources and better cooperation between different fields. There are also topics where it is possible to contribute more or more intentionally.
The purpose is to open up the significance of the mental health challenge in detention facilities and to discuss what opportunities there are today for better access and a quality. Mental health support facilities must address all the same barriers such as health support services outside of prison. Regardless of the possible obstacles that can be found related to the scarcity of the trained professionals or constant increase of the mental health problems, the development opportunities may lay in both restructuring and better targeting or better use of already existing resources. The prison service has already implemented and is implementing developments to support access to mental health, better use of resources and better cooperation between different fields. There are also topics where it is possible to contribute more or more intentionally.