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dc.contributor.authorKülaots, Kertu
dc.identifier.citationKülaots, K., 2024. Korduvvangistatud noorte taasühiskonnastamine ja selle probleemid üle elukaare. Turvalisuskompass nr. 6, Lk. 111-132. Tallinn: Sisekaitseakadeemiaet_EE
dc.description<a href = " https://doi.org/10.15158/7e5g-z507">https://doi.org/10.15158/7e5g-z507</a>
dc.description.abstractArtiklis antakse ülevaade, millised on korduvalt vangis olnud noorte elukaarel ja nende taasühiskonnastamisel tekkinud probleemid. Keskne probleem on sellel lähenemisel korduvrikkumised – millised on võimalused seda ennetada, millise hinnangu annavad noored teenustele ja kuidas nad hindavad oma võimalusi pääseda uuesti vanglast. Artikli teoreetilises osas käsitletakse kuritegevust läbi sotsiaalse kontrolli ja käitumise. Oluline on võtta arvesse noore elukaart ja selle muutusi ja isiklikke tõlgendusi; rolle, mida noor kogeb; seda, kuidas on noorte õigusrikkumistele reageeritud ning milliseid tähendusi noored nendele sekkumistele on omistanud.</i> <br><br> The aim of the article is to analyze the life course of young people who have been repeatedly imprisoned. The article looks at the resocialization activities of these young people, the extent to which they have participated in (both outside the prison and in prison) and focuses on their own assessment of both services and offenses. Central to this approach is recidivism – which are the keys to prevent and evaluate services for young people and how they evaluate their chances of getting out of prison. The survey also seeks to answer the question of young people’s needs and preferences, including when contacting them. The theoretical part of the master’s thesis deals with crime through interpreting social control and behavior, one can look at the young person’s surroundings, which affect him or her on an individual level or due to the environment. An important part is to consider the young person’s life course and its changes, as well as personal interpretations, the roles that the young person experiences and what kind of interventions juveniles have had and what their experiences with those activities are. A qualitative study was then conducted, in which 10 in-depth interviews were conducted with 18–21-year-olds re-imprisoned youngsters. The structure of the interviews focused on young people’s careers, coping, support network and services. During the conversations, the young people were able to evaluate the above areas and express their thoughts on possible changes. The present article analyzes their own experiences on the journey to prisonet_EE
dc.relation.ispartofseriesTurvalisuskompass: turvalisuse ja julgeoleku teadusajakiri;6
dc.subjectyouth crimeet_EE
dc.subjectreentering prisonet_EE
dc.titleKorduvvangistatud noorte taasühiskonnastamine ja selle probleemid üle elukaareet_EE
dc.title.alternativeResocialization of re-imprisoned young people and its problems throuhout life courseet_EE

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