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dc.contributor.authorKajo, Kaisa
dc.contributor.authorRohuniit, Rauni
dc.identifier.citationKajo, K. & Rohuniit, R., 2023. Alaealiste erikohtlemise võimalused ja kitsaskohad (Politsei- ja Piirivalveameti näitel). Turvalisuskompass: turvalisuse ja julgeoleku teadusajakiri, 5, lk. 93-121.et_EE
dc.description<a href = " https://doi.org/10.15158/pb0b-wx34">https://doi.org/10.15158/pb0b-wx34</a>
dc.description.abstractArtiklis käsitletakse lapsõigusrikkujate erikohtlemist politseis 2018. aastal toimunud muudatuste järel. Nimelt tuleb õigusvastase teo toime pannud alaealiste suhtes esimese võimalusena alati kaaluda nende mittekaristuslikku mõjutamist. Et valdavat osa väärtegudest menetleb Eestis Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet (edaspidi PPA), vaadeldaksegi artiklis, kuidas on muudatused politseiorganisatsioonis juurdunud, eesmärgiga tuua välja alaealiste erikohtlemise kitsaskohad ja võimalused ning teha ettepanekuid valdkonna tõhustamiseks. Muuhulgas vaadeldakse 2022. aastal PPA piirkonnapolitseinike seas tehtud vastavasisulise küsitluse tulemusi. Alaealiste erikohtlemist juhtudel, mil otsustajateks on prokuratuur ja kohus, artiklis ei käsitleta. This article looks at the special treatment of child offenders by the police following the changes made in 2018. In particular, minors who have committed an unlawful act must always be considered for non-punitive measures as a first option. As the Police and Border Guard Board (hereinafter PBGB) is responsible for conducting the majority of misdemeanour proceedings in Estonia, the article examines how the changes have taken root in the police organisation, with the aim of highlighting the bottlenecks and possibilities for the special treatment of minors and making suggestions for improving the efficiency of the field. Among other things, the results of a survey conducted in 2022 among PBGB regional police officers are examined. The special treatment of minors in cases where the prosecution and the court are the decision-makers is not addressed in the article.et_EE
dc.description.abstractThis article looks at the special treatment of child offenders by the police following the changes made in 2018. In particular, minors who have committed an unlawful act must always be considered for non-punitive measures as a first option. As the Police and Border Guard Board (hereinafter PBGB) is responsible for conducting the majority of misdemeanour proceedings in Estonia, the article examines how the changes have taken root in the police organisation, with the aim of highlighting the bottlenecks and possibilities for the special treatment of minors and making suggestions for improving the efficiency of the field. Among other things, the results of a survey conducted in 2022 among PBGB regional police officers are examined. The special treatment of minors in cases where the prosecution and the court are the decision-makers is not addressed in the article.eng
dc.relation.ispartofseriesTurvalisuskompass: turvalisuse ja julgeoleku teadusajakiri;5
dc.subjectrestorative justice,et_EE
dc.subjectjuvenile offenderset_EE
dc.subjectnon-punitive sanctionset_EE
dc.subjectpolice officer traininget_EE
dc.subjecttaastav õiguset_EE
dc.subjectalaealised õigusrikkujadet_EE
dc.subjectpolitseiametnike väljaõpeet_EE
dc.titleAlaealiste erikohtlemise võimalused ja kitsaskohad (Politsei- ja Piirivalveameti näitel)et_EE
dc.title.alternativePossibilities and bottlenecks in special treatment of minors (using the example of the Police and Border Guard board)et_EE

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