Poland’s Defence Expenditures in the NATO Financial Framework
The objective of this article is to provide an analysis of Poland’s policy on
defence expenditures in the context of the NATO financial framework.
The publication reviews political, legal and financial aspects of Warsaw’s
position in that regard since 2000, placing particular emphasis on the
period after 2014, when the 2/20% rule was introduced into the Alliance’s
system, according to which NATO Member States should pay annually
at least 2% of their Gross Domestic Product on defence, including 20%
on major equipment.
Poland is among only eleven Allies which meet these requirements, having
a well-established bipartisan approach to gradually increase domestic
defence spending to at least 2.5% by 2030. That policy is not going to
change even in the context of an economic recession due to the COVID-19
pandemic or any potential external changes in the security environment.
Such an attitude should only serve to help maintain Poland’s position as
one of the NATO beneficiaries, receiving not only security – as can be
indicated through burden-sharing analysis - but also economic (military
infrastructure projects through NATO Security Investment Programme)