Operational perceptions of the supervision at internal borders : A case study among employees of implementing bodies
Whitin this national responsibility the operational street-level employees fulfill a crucial role, because they are the only ones who have the actual contact with end users, and are therefore the only ones who are able to make sense of the consequences of constructed policies –at European and/or national level–by making them fit to reality. Because of this crucial role, this thesis wants to contribute to a better understanding of the supervision of internal borders by applying a bottom-up approach.It is therefore desirable to conduct two lines of research in relation to the supervision at internal borders. Firstly, to explore the perception of these street-level employees and secondly, to develop a model that can assign sense making.
1. Introduction ; 1.1. Relevance of the research ; 1.2. Research question ; 1.3. Structure of the report ; 2. Literature review ; 2.1. Theoretical models ; 2.2. Definition of key terms ; 2.3. Key documents (case study) ; 3. Research Methodology ; 3.1. Research Design ; 3.2. Data collection ; 3.3. Data analysis ; 3.4. Research quality indicators and ethical considerations ; 3.5. Area of research (case study) ; 3.6. Centric circle model (hypothesis) ; 4. Analysis and Results ; 4.1. Sample size and onfidence level ; 4.2. Demographic data ; 4.3. Supervision conditions ; 4.4. Policy process, involvement and influence ; 5. Discussion of Results, Conclusions and Recommendations ; 5.1. Discussion of results ; 5.2. Conclusions and Recommendations