SAR Operations at Eastern Mediterranean sea : Current status in the light of the human rights perspective
In the aftermath of the migration crisis of 2015, this thesis sheds light to one of the most crucial elements of the EU’s Integrated Border Management strategy, that of Search and Rescue. The sea area which was selected to be put under our examination is the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (Aegean Sea). The death toll paid in human casualties at sea over the last 4 years has been unprecedented and remains a great challenge for the states of the EU to successfully manage this humanitarian crisis, which still continues, yet with less intensity.
1. Introduction ; 1.1. Current experiences at the Aegean Sea ; 1.2. Purpose ; 1.3. Set up of the thesis ; 2. Theory ; 2.1. SAR: Current status and legal framework (pillar 1) ; 2.2. SAR and the Human Rights Perspective ; (pillar 2) ; 2.3. The issue of disembarkation (pillar 3) ; 3. Methodology ; 3.1. Research Strategy ; 3.2. Research Design ; 3.3. Data collection and/or use of data ; 3.4. Data analysis ; 3.5. Sample Strategy ; 3.6. Research Quality Indicators ; 3.7. Ethical Considera ; 4. Results: The perspective of actual practice ; 4.1. Section 1 (Interviews and Focus groups) ; 4.1.1. 1st Pillar: Current Status of the SAR operations in S.E. Mediterranean Sea ; 4.2. 2nd Pillar: SAR and Human Rights ; 4.3. 3rd Pillar: The issue of disembarkation ; 4.4. Section 2 (observations) ; 4.5. Day 1 ; 4.6. Day 2 ; 4.7. Day 3 ; 4.8. Day 4 ; 4.9. Day 5 ; 5. Conclusions ; 5.1. Section 1 ; 5.2. Section 2 ; 5.3. Section 3