Asylum and migration. Glossary 3.0 = Rände ja varjupaiga sõnaraamat
Migration and asylum are complex and multifaceted policy fields. The opening of the EU to talented and highly skilled migrants to meet EU labour demand, international protection for those in need, and to ensure safe borders against organised crime, trafficking and smuggling in human beings and irregular migration have all taken on increased significance in recent years. To ensure effective legislative and policy responses to this significant demands, legislators and policy-makers at EU and national levels must have at their disposal up to date, reliable, factual information. The European Migration Network (EMN), coordinated by the European Commission, and active in all Member States and Norway, plays a significant role as a reliable source of such information across a wide range of contemporary topics. The EMN Glossary helps to facilitate coherent discussions across all of these actors by presenting information on specific topics that is underpinned by a common vocabulary, allowing a better understanding and comparability of migration and asylum phenomena, on the basis of a shared understanding.
Foreword ; A tool for better comparability ; Glossary terms ; Indexes