Sirvi märksõna järgi "Ukraine"
1.-4. nimetus 4-st
Majandussanktsioonide mõju Eesti tolliagentuuridele
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2025)Lõputöö uurimisprobleem on püstitatud küsimusena: kuidas on Euroopa Liidu poolt Venemaa suhtes kehtestatud majandussanktsioonid mõjutanud tolliagentuuri tööd? Lõputöö eesmärk on välja selgitada muutused tolliagentuuri ... -
Security problems caused to the Republic of Lithuania by the Ukrainian war and Belorussian hybrid attacks
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2023)The second stage of Russia’s war against Ukraine began on 24 February 2022, with a new invasion into other parts of Ukraine and the occupation of more territories. This invasion led to a massive influx of refugees from ... -
Surviving near the empire : price of the modern Kremlin's aggression
(2021)During the Cold War the Western European countries had a lot of sovietologists, experts who had a great experience in analysing the political activities from Moscow. Within a few years most of these experts got lost, retired ... -
The European Union internal security challenges after the Russian invasion of Ukraine
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2023)The invasion of Ukraine is the most serious challenge that the European Union has faced since its inception and the impact on its security is immense. The first evident consequence of the European Union’s internal security ...