Vanglateenistuses tööõnne soodustava kultuuri kujundamine lähtuvalt strateegiast ja tuginedes rahulolu uuringu tulemustele
Artikli eesmärk on anda ülevaade, kuidas vanglateenistus on teadlikult kujundanud tööõnne toetavat töökeskkonda ja -kultuuri. Artiklis vaadatakse üldiseid tööõnne toetavaid tegureid, seda, millised tööõnne toetavad teemad on vanglateenistus seadnud strateegiliste eesmärkidena ning ka seda, milline on vanglateenistuse tööõnne toetavate teguritega rahulolu tase töötajate seas. Lisaks tuuakse välja, mida on vanglateenistus teinud ja planeerib teha tööõnne toetava töökeskkonna ja -kultuuri kujundamisel.
The purpose of the article is to provide an overview of how the prison service has consciously shaped a work environment and culture that supports happiness at work. The article looks at general factors that support happiness at work, which topics that support happiness at work have been set as strategic goals by the prison service, and what is the level of satisfaction among employees with factors that support happiness at work in the prison service. In addition, it is pointed out what the prison service has done and plans to do in shaping a work environment and culture that supports happiness at work.
The purpose of the article is to provide an overview of how the prison service has consciously shaped a work environment and culture that supports happiness at work. The article looks at general factors that support happiness at work, which topics that support happiness at work have been set as strategic goals by the prison service, and what is the level of satisfaction among employees with factors that support happiness at work in the prison service. In addition, it is pointed out what the prison service has done and plans to do in shaping a work environment and culture that supports happiness at work.