Eakad kinnipeetavad Eesti vanglates
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Juhkov, Maris
Saarem, Rainer
Küünarpuu, Yasmine
Bremen, Maria Elisabeth
Rüütel, Erik
Miljan, Maret
Unuks, Tiina
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Artikkel koosneb teaduspõhise kirjanduse ülevaatest, millele tuginedes
korraldati ekspertintervjuud. Eesmärk oli uurida, kas Eestis on probleeme vananevate
vangidega, eriti nende osakaalu suurenemisega, ning uurida mujal maailmas rakendatud
lahendusi eakate jaoks kinnipidamisasutustes. Uurimistöö käigus saadi lisaks
hea ülevaade viimastel aastatel Eesti vanglates viibivate kinnipeetavate vanuselise
koosseisu muudatustest. Artikkel põhineb autorite 2022. aastal Sisekaitseakadeemias
uurimistöö raames kaitstud uuringul „Eakad kinnipeetavad Eesti vanglates“.
The article comprises a research-based literature review, upon which expert interviews were conducted. The aim was to investigate whether there are issues concerning aging prisoners in Estonia, particularly with the increasing proportion, and to explore existing solutions for the elderly in detention facilities implemented elsewhere in the world. Throughout the research, a comprehensive overview of Estonian prisons in recent years was obtained, including changes in the age composition of inmates. The article is based on the authors’ 2022 study titled „Elderly Prisoners in Estonia“, which was completed as part of their research work at The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences.
The article comprises a research-based literature review, upon which expert interviews were conducted. The aim was to investigate whether there are issues concerning aging prisoners in Estonia, particularly with the increasing proportion, and to explore existing solutions for the elderly in detention facilities implemented elsewhere in the world. Throughout the research, a comprehensive overview of Estonian prisons in recent years was obtained, including changes in the age composition of inmates. The article is based on the authors’ 2022 study titled „Elderly Prisoners in Estonia“, which was completed as part of their research work at The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences.