Konverents "Korrektsioonialane teadusuuringute sümpoosion. Rehabiliteeritava reintegratsiooni ja peegeldused sellest, mis töötab"
Artikkel annab ülevaate 27.–30. märtsil 2023 Portos toimunud organisatsiooni International Corrections & Prisons Association korraldatud seminaril esitletud tähtsamatest teemadest. Seminari ettekannetes keskenduti nii tõenditele põhinevatele kui ka praktikapõhistele aruteludele selle üle, kuidas on võimalik saavutada tähendusrikas taasintegreerumine peale vangistust. Olulisemad teemad olid reintegratsiooni peamised väljakutsed rahvusvahelises perspektiivis ning rehabiliteeriv integratsioon jooga ja vaimse heaolu kaudu: kogemus Tšehhi Vabariigist.
The article provides an overview of the key topics discussed at the seminar organized by the International Corrections & Prisons Association in Porto, from March 27–30, 2023. The presentations at the seminar focused on both evidence-based and practice-based discussions on how to achieve meaningful reintegration after imprisonment. Major topics included: the main challenges of reintegration from an international perspective; rehabilitative integration through yoga and mental wellbeing: experience from the Czech Republic. The challenges of reintegration addressed the outdated American penal model, highlighted new developmental directions, and provided an overview of the reintegration model used in Singapore’s prison service, which has proven to be effective.
The article provides an overview of the key topics discussed at the seminar organized by the International Corrections & Prisons Association in Porto, from March 27–30, 2023. The presentations at the seminar focused on both evidence-based and practice-based discussions on how to achieve meaningful reintegration after imprisonment. Major topics included: the main challenges of reintegration from an international perspective; rehabilitative integration through yoga and mental wellbeing: experience from the Czech Republic. The challenges of reintegration addressed the outdated American penal model, highlighted new developmental directions, and provided an overview of the reintegration model used in Singapore’s prison service, which has proven to be effective.