Vangi päevakava analüüs dünaamilise turvalisuse põhimõttest lähtuvalt
Artikkel uurib dünaamilise turvalisuse kasutamise võimalusi Eesti vanglates. Analüüsime, kuidas on võimalik muuta vanglate päevakava, et see aitaks kaasa kinnipeetavate taasühiskonnastamisele. Milliseid päevakava osiseid saaks muuta, et vanglates oleks vähem intsidente ja parem koostöö ametnike ja kinnipeetavate vahel? Kuidas on võimalik tagada parem unekvaliteet kinnipeetavatele, et nad oleksid koostööaltimad ja suudaksid pärast karistuse kandmist paremini ühiskonda integreeruda?
This article analyzes the possibilities of using dynamic security in Estonian prisons. We will analyze how it is possible to change the agenda of prisons so that it contributes to the resocialization of inmates: what parts of the agenda could be changed so that there are less violations in prisons and better cooperation between officials and inmates. We focus on the morning hours, which have been shown to have a higher number of violations. How would it be possible to reduce it and at the same time give the inmates more responsibility?
This article analyzes the possibilities of using dynamic security in Estonian prisons. We will analyze how it is possible to change the agenda of prisons so that it contributes to the resocialization of inmates: what parts of the agenda could be changed so that there are less violations in prisons and better cooperation between officials and inmates. We focus on the morning hours, which have been shown to have a higher number of violations. How would it be possible to reduce it and at the same time give the inmates more responsibility?