Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Venemaa ususõjast ja militaarriiklusest
(Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2022)
Artiklis kontrollitakse hüpoteesi, mille järgi Venemaa sõjapidamist legiti meerivad ideed kattuvad osaliselt ususõja ideedega. Teiseks hinnatakse, mil määral leiab niisugune seos praktilist kinnitust praeguses (2022) ...
Corruption as the hybrid threat in a changing security environment
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2023)
The purpose of this article is to analyse how the significance of corruption has evolved within today’s rapidly developing security environment, as corruption has increasingly transformed from a traditional type of crime ...
Intentional homicides in Baltic and Nordic States 1990-2021
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2024)
The main goal of the article was to analyse data on homicides in Estonia
and the other Baltic states in the years 1990–2021 and to conceptualize
these changes. The level and dynamics of intentional homicides committed
in ...
Professor Eduard Raska as an outstanding scientist and statesman
(Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 2024)
Security Spectrum’s special issue on criminology is dedicated to
Professor Eduard Raska (1944–2008), who would have turned 80 this
autumn. Although his life was regrettably short, the scale of what he
accomplished in ...